Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cough Syrup- the new high

On the news last night, there was a report of kids getting high by abusing cough syrup containing "DM" (dextromethorphan). There is a proposal to restrict sales which is being vigorously opposed by drug companies who make millions each year from cold and cough remedies for kids as well as adults.

While it is important to protect kids from the possibility of illicit use of drugs, the bigger point is being ignored. This class of drug should not be prescribed or sold to anyone because they DO NOT WORK. Ask any pediatrician about the constant parental complaint that "he's STILL coughing" or "her nose is STILL stuffed".

These "chemicals" increase the cost of health care, incorrectly teach patients that there is a medication for every problem no matter how minor, and eventually forces the doctor to go to the "next level" of treatment (unnecessary antibiotics) due to parental pressure.

There are no definitive studies that these medications help a cold or cough, they have side effects, and can be abused for recreation leading to perhaps other drugs.

Let's take the next step and stop producing, prescribing and buying these ineffective harmful non-remedies.